principal ▪ Proceso de Admisiones ▪ Pregrado

    Registration Process



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    Applications for entry in August of 2019 may be sent between April 12th and May 17th of 2019 (closing time 4:00 p.m. Colombia Time). Registration is free.


    • Only one application may be sent by applicant. If two applications are sent, neither will be accepted.

    • The Universidad de los Andes does not conduct interviews as part of the admissions process.

    • If applicants have completed two or more university semesters and are able to provide evidence of the earned credits, they may request admission by way of the external transfer process.

    • Because of the nature of the ICFES examinations there is no minimum point requirement for registration. The university accepts the results of examinations taken in the last five years.

    • The university reserves the right to verify the accuracy of all information provided. If it is confirmed that information is not accurate, the relevant legal procedures will be followed.

    • Lists of accepted applicants will be published on the website after 5:00 p.m. on May 21st*. Information will not be given out over the telephone.

    • Accepted applicants will receive a letter from the Admissions and Registrar’s Office detailing the steps of the matriculation process.

    • Colombian nationals who hold dual citizenship should apply ONLY as Colombian nationals, using the number that appears on their Colombian Identity Card. Accepted applicants who are not Colombian nationals will be required to obtain a STUDENT VISA.

    • If the applicant’s domicile is outside Colombia their ZIP or POSTAL CODE should be entered in the application form.

    • Applications will not be received for programs that candidates have previously been suspended from.

    • Once the applicant has completed the form, he/she should not forget to click the ENVIAR SOLICITUD button so that their application is processed.

    • Once the application has been sent, applicant should print out the “Confirmación de Inscripción” page which contains important information.

    • Detailed instructions on filling out the registration form are available:HERE

    Applicants with doubts about the process, or who require further information should call our help line on (571) 332 4468.

    * The relevant dates concerning the ICFES Admissions and Transfer Processes are subject to change and will be confirmed following final decision by ICFES on the official examination dates.


    If you finished your high school in Colombia, click here


    If you finished your high school en another country, click here


