principal ▪ Contacto



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    Registration Office: Responsible for responding to requests related certifications studies and notes, graduation proceedings, academic record transcripts, double programs, internal transfer and withdrawals.
    Help Desk:

    Phone: (571) 3394949/99 - extensions 5431, 3997, 2211, 3966, 3988, 2218, 2221.
    Address: 18th Street # 0-33 East Block E.
    PBX: 339 4949 CAI Integrated Care Center.


    Admissions Office: Responsible for responding to requests related to the admissions process to undergraduate and postgraduate students admitted approvals with international high schools, scheduling final exams, procedures and applications identity cards classrooms. 

     Help Desk:

    Phone: (571) 3394949/99 - Ext 2210  

    Address: 18th Street #. 0-33 East Block E.



    Scouting Undergraduate: Responsible for information and advice to schools, parents and candidates interested in pursuing their studies at the Universidad de los Andes. We conduct guided tours, special activities, participate in college fairs in Bogota and in major cities, and individual counseling. Contact us through our website:
    Contact: E-mail: Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla
    Phone: (571) 339 4949/99 - Ext 3686, 2225, 3108
    Twitter: @admision_uandes
    Address: 18th Street # 0-33 East Block E


    Scouting Postgraduates: Office responsible for serving aspirants professionals interested in pursuing a program of Specialization, Masters or PhD at the Universidad de los Andes. We conducted information sessions for postgraduates, applicants attention and participation in business events in the external sector. Meet our postgraduate programs:
    Contact: E-mail: Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla
    Phone: (571) 339 4949/99 - Ext 3511 / 2129
    Twitter: @PosgradosUAndes
    Address: 18th Street # 0-33 East Block E.



    Information on graduate programs: specialization, master and doctorate, directly contact the department or school. Or visit the graduate program catalogue in


